Privacy policy

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Privacy policy

DEXIBERICA SOLUCIONES INDUSTRIALES, S.A.U. understands that maintaining a transparent relationship with you is essential. Therefore, our Privacy Policy is indicated below so that you remain informed on how we securely collect and process any data you provide.

Your data shall be processed according to current law and, more specifically, in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of 27 April 2016 (GDPR) on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data. Also in relation to Spanish Law 3/2018 of 5 December on the Protection of Personal Data and Guarantee of Digital Rights.

Carefully read our Privacy Policy for all the information you may require on the manner in which we process the data you provide.

  • Who is the controller?

    If you or an authorised person has provided us with your data, DEXIBERICA SOLUCIONES INDUSTRIALES, S.A.U., with tax ID: ESA61502332, is the controller of this data. The data will be processed according to current regulations on personal data protection.

    There may be other controllers involved in our processes. In this case, we shall always inform you of the controller of said data and their identification details.

    DEXIBERICA SOLUCIONES INDUSTRIALES, S.A.U. undertakes to comply with the obligation of secrecy regarding the personal data and our duty to ensure said secrecy. We therefore take all necessary measures to avoid its alteration, loss, or unauthorised processing or access in according with the Regulation.

    DEXIBERICA SOLUCIONES INDUSTRIALES, S.A.U. is part of a group formed by:



    RP MECATRÓNICA S.L. Tax ID: B87300919

    HELIOS DICA, S.L.U. Tax ID: B39370309


    SELA SAFETY, S.L. Tax ID: B15815624

    COTA LIMITE, S.L. Tax ID: B70077458

    EMPROGAL, S.L.U. Tax ID: B36737377


    INTRA AUTOMATION S.L. Tax ID: B96468244

    DS AUTOMACION S.L. Tax ID B01130210

  • Where do we inform?

    DEXIBERICA SOLUCIONES INDUSTRIALES, S.A.U., in the section corresponding to the privacy policy on the website More information at “Legal Notice”.

  • Which personal data do we process?

    The personal data we process is:

    • The data you decide to provide voluntarily

    • The data arising from the communications you maintain with us.

    • The information corresponding to your browsing in the case of Online Services (IP address or information from cookies or similar devices (you can see our Cookie Policy on the website).

    • The information available in sources accessible to the general public that we can legally access.

    • The data arising from the contractual or pre-contractual relationship you have with us, including your picture, and always informing you in this case of the possibility of taking your picture.

    • That provided by other persons on you, where there is a lawful basis for this or where you have given your consent for this purpose.

    • The third-party data you have provided, following consent by the third party in question.

  • How do we process the data?

    DEXIBERICA SOLUCIONES INDUSTRIALES, S.A.U. processes your personal data in strict compliance with current law. Please also be advised that we have the appropriate technical and organisation measures to ensure an optimum level of security, thus guaranteeing that only those with authorisation shall have access to it, that we shall ensure its integrity, that we shall avoid any intentional or accidental loss thereof, and that we have strengthened the data processing systems and services.

    The automated or non-automated technical operations, arrangements and procedures we perform  that allow for the collection, storage, modification, transfer and other action regarding personal data are considered personal data processes.

    Data is also processed jointly by the group companies indicated in Point 1 of this privacy policy.

  • What is the lawful basis regarding data processing?

    The lawful basis for the processing of personal data shall be that resulting from the contractual or pre-contractual, occupational or any other relationship required for the processing of data, such as express consent.

  • How do we manage electronic communications?

    Where communications are received through these channels (e-mails, automated form response messages, and other communications systems), please be advised that the messages are exclusively addressed to their recipient and may contain privileged or confidential information. If you are not the recipient indicated, please note that its unauthorised use, disclosure and/or copying is forbidden by current law.

    According to Law 34/2002 of 11 July on Information Society Services and e-Commerce, and Directive 2002/58/EC, should you not wish to receive commercial communications and information through this electronic communication system, please use this channel to inform us of such, indicating “CANCEL COMMERCIAL COMMUNICATIONS” in the subject heading so that your personal data can be removed from our database. Your request will be fulfilled within 10 days as of the date on which it is sent. Where we do not receive an express response from you, we shall understand that you accept and authorise our company to continue sending said communications.

  • For how long do we keep your data?

    The data regarding physical persons that DEXIBERICA SOLUCIONES INDUSTRIALES, S.A.U. collects through any medium shall be kept until the data subject requests its erasure. It shall also be kept until the end of the relationship leading to the processing of the data, respecting the legal storage times in all cases. Once this period has ended, the personal data shall be deleted from all the DEXIBERICA SOLUCIONES INDUSTRIALES, S.A.U. systems.

  • Will your data be communicated to third parties?

    Personal data will not be assigned, transmitted or transferred, except for that already indicated, unless by way of legal obligations. Should the Public Authorities or the Regional Institutions request your data within the scope of the functions expressly attributed to them by law,  it shall be transferred to them.

    In the event of an assignment, transmission or transfer of personal data not included in the aforementioned cases, you shall be previously informed so that you may give your consent, where required.

    However, to organise ourselves correctly, ensure good operations and procedures that guarantee good management by DEXIBERICA SOLUCIONES INDUSTRIALES, S.A.U., the contracting of the services of advisers, professionals or other service companies may be required to process data under our instructions.

    This processing by third parties is governed by a contract with written indications or other instructions to accredit it being executed and its contents, expressly specifying that the data processor shall process the data in accordance with our instructions and shall not use the data for purposes other than those indicated in said contract, nor shall it communicate said data to other persons, not even for its storage.

  • What are your rights?

    Data protection law grants you the following rights:

    • Right of withdrawal of any consent provided.

    • Right of access: To find out which type of data is being processed and the characteristics of the processing involved.

    • Right of rectification: To be able to request the amendment of any imprecise or untruthful data

    • Right of portability: To be able to obtain a copy of the data being processed in an interoperable format.

    • Right of restricted process in cases where you believe it is not necessary.

    • Right of cancellation: To request the ceasing of data processing and its erasure when its storage is no longer necessary.

    Furthermore, we would like to inform you that you can withdraw your consent without this affecting the lawfulness of the processing already complete by sending your request to the same address indicated in the above paragraph. In this case, you must include a copy of your national identity document or other document proving your identity along with your request.

    Should you require further information regarding the processing of you data, rectify any imprecise data, object and/or restrict any processing you believe is not necessary, or request the cancellation of the processing when the data is no longer necessary, please write to DEXIBERICA SOLUCIONES INDUSTRIALES, S.A.U. At Plg. Ind. Plaza – Calle Carae, 1, 50197, 50197 – Zaragoza (Zaragoza) or send an e-mail to

    • This notification must include the following information: Name and surnames of the user, the request, the address, and the identity details.

    • Right must be exercised by the user him/herself. However, they may be exercised by a person authorised as a legal representative of the user. In this case, the documentation proving this representation of the data subject must be provided.

    Also remember that you are entitled to file a claim with the Spanish Data Protection Agency (AEPD), if you believe your Data protection rights have been violated, at C/ Jorge Juan, 6 28001-Madrid – FAX: 914483680- TEL: 901 100 099- e-mail:

  • What is the purpose and lawful basis justifying the processing of data?

Please find below the purposes of the processing of data by any or all of the Controllers listed above.

Occupational management Personnel management to enter into contracts of employment, control files, manage payrolls, timetable control, training, pension plan, and ORP. Contractual relationship
Tax and accounts management Necessary processing to comply with tax and accounting obligations Contractual relationship
Legal obligation for the controller
Legitimate interests of the controller or of third parties
Contact management Processing of data to maintain communications with data subjects Contractual relationship
Legitimate interests of the controller or of third parties
Express consent of the data subject
Occupational risk prevention Compliance with current occupational risk prevention and health surveillance law Contractual relationship.
Legal obligation for the controller
Video-surveillance Taking of images by the video-surveillance system and/or alarm system with image taking, to protect company assets Legitimate interests of the controller or of third parties
Management of job applicants Selection of personnel and provision of jobs through CV management, personal interviews and assessment tests    Vital interests of the data subject or other persons Express consent of the data subject
Organisation of events and activities Management and coordination of activities and events in line with company activity. Attendance and participant control. Contractual relationship
Express consent of the data subject
Multimedia management Processing of images and/or videos for broadcasting in the media and social networks and the promotion of activities Express consent of the data subject
Customer management Processing of the data required to maintain the commercial/contractual relationship with customers, invoicing, after-sales service, the sending of promotions and advertising, and loyalty. Contractual relationship
Commercial relationship
Sending of advertising Sending of commercial information, notifications on events and activities of interest, offers, information on products and services, to customers and/or potential customers. Express consent of the data subject
E-commerce Preparation and management of orders and purchases made over web platforms. Contractual relationship
Commercial relationship
Labour control Control of employee attendance at work, shift control and management of holidays, sick leave and other attendance. Contractual relationship
Legitimate interests of the controller or of third parties
Supplier management Analysis, assessment, contracting, management of orders and management of payments to suppliers Contractual relationship
Training activity management Organisation of courses, talks and other events, and possible invoicing of arising expenses Contractual relationship
Express consent of the data subject
Order management Management and traceability of the orders placed via the different distribution channels of the controller Contractual relationship
Commercial relationship
Potential customer management To be able to make the necessary communications with possible customers and/or other data subjects, send quotations, prices, product costs and other information requested prior to establishing a contractual relationship Commercial relationship
Warranty management Warranty management for the products sold in accordance with Royal Legislative Decree 1/2007 Legal obligation for the controller
Tachograph management Processing of carrier data and routes completed. Contractual relationship
Legal obligation for the controller
Collaborator management Management of the relationship with persons who collaborate with or are interested in company activities Contractual relationship
Management of group companies Management and maintenance of group companies Contractual relationship