Cutting and machining

As part of our Workshop Services, we provide our customers with our extensive experience in cutting and machining

Cutting and machining of linear systems

In the Dexis Tecnomeca linear workshop, we have the appropriate machinery and tools for all types of machining.

We perform machining on all types of linear systems, shafts, spindles, etc.

Grinding the ends of the linear guides ensures they are joined together perfectly.

We assembly linear assemblies, supplying our customers with complete assemblies.

Corte y mecanizado: perfiles de aluminio
Fabricación de juntas a medida
Cilindro neumático
Máquina de fabricación de juntas a medida

Manufacture of custom seals

We have machinery for custom seal manufacturing, without the need for moulds or tools.

We have a manufacturing capacity of up to 2500 mm in diameter and have over 100 standard profiles and up to 15 different materials, all produced in line with Standard ISO 9001.

Our technical department will advise you on the application and design of special seals. We custom design and manufacture all types of seal:

  • Rotary seals: Dynamic seal solution for high-medium speed and medium-low pressure rotary shafts.
  • Rod seals: Prevent fluid from leaking from the inside to the outside of the cylinder.
  • Piston seals: Maintain the pressure difference in the piston, ensuring the cylinder extends or retracts.
  • Wipers: Prevent external particles from entering the cylinder.
  • Backing rings: Protect the seals from the effects of extrusion.
  • Guide rings: Prevent metal-to-metal contact, guiding piston and rod and absorbing transversal loads.

Our delivery times in manufacturing are 24/48 hours. In emergency cases, we are capable of much more. We manufacture the entire SKF range and all the profiles in the market.

Seal identification parameters




Housing measurements.

Medium and lubrication.

Single-action: The rod moves in just one direction. We will mount seals with asymmetrical lips, the shortest lip providing the seal.
Double-action: The plunger also performs a return function. Symmetrical lip profiles to work in both directions.

Rod or piston seals.

Shock absorption.



Static: bearing rings.

Hydraulic cylinders: High pressures-Medium: Oil, Material: Polyurethane.
Pneumatic cylinders: Low pressures-Medium: Air, Material: Elastomers.

Belt cutting machine

Dexis Ibérica adapts to the customer’s requirements. Therefore, thanks to our belt cutting workshop, we are capable of manufacturing custom solutions for any specific application that the customer demands.

Without the need for minimum quantities or costly delivery times, and always with the guarantee of our leading brands in the sector.

Corte de correas
Transmisión mecánica: cadenas

Chain cutting and adaptation

The reliability and useful life of a special chain depend not only on the specific qualities and characteristics but also on the care taken in the design and treatment given to the technical handling of the product.

To optimise the performance and ensure greater reliability, we carefully select each component in all our products.

We have extensive experience in the handling and adaptation of chains, including the installation of attachments and auxiliary parts and the supply of special chains, and supply of custom-cut chains, in a wide range of references that we have in stock in our facilities.

We have components to cover most special applications, providing an à la carte manufacturing service with agile and precise manufacturing times.

Conveyor belt cutting and assembly

Dexis offers a wide selection of connection methods studied to meet the demands of each application, considering the complexity of the operating conditions required by the market.

To do so, we have an experience technical production team to ensure precision and uniformity in the completion of our products in line with the technical instructions of our manufacturer  (HABASIT).

As support for the efficient manufacturing of our bands and belts, we have a wide range of tools manufactured to a precise design. We offer the services for our products both in our workshops and in the on-site facilities of our customers.

We deal with market demands, all the cutting, bevelling and gluing, pressing and connecting operations to prepare custom belts and bands.

We perform special operations on our products in line with the personalised requirements of the customer and offer an extensive diversity of connection types and finishes.

We have extensive experience in the sector to continue offering a service for this line of products, and we hope to continue earning your trust.

Taller de cilindros
Reparación de cilindros neumáticos

Custom manufacturing, repair and recovery of pneumatic cylinders and valves with actuator

We can provide the following work from our Seville workshop:

  • Manufacture of custom pneumatic cylinders.
  • Repair and recovery of pneumatic and hydraulic cylinders.
  • Cutting of linear guides and rod machining.
  • Cutting and installation of accessories on chains.
  • Manufacture of special parts on our lathe.
  • Installation of pneumatic circuits.
  • Recovery of valves with actuator.
  • Repair of pneumatic actuators.

Manufacture and adaptation of bearings

One of the value-added services that Dexis Ibérica wants to offer its customers is the possibility of manufacturing bearings to specifications for complex or specific applications.

It also adapts bearings from existing applications in order to improve operating conditions.

Corte y extrusionado de perfiles de aluminio

Cutting and extruding aluminium profiles

Tecnomeca-Kidelan offers the profile machining and cutting service to meet our customers’ needs.

The cutting, milling and drilling possibilities are extensive. Our technical office works closely on the enquiries made, advising our customers on the best options for their projects.

Aluminium has become a leading material worldwide thanks to its high mechanical resistance, versatility and durability.

Its light weight, strength-to-weight ratio, hardness, appearance, malleability, high resistance to corrosion and external agents have turned aluminium into one of the most commonly used metals on the planet.

Tecnomeca- Kidelan works with the biggest manufacturers of extruded aluminium. We have a technical office for the custom design and manufacture of profiles

to meet customer requirements.

This is a surface treatment for aluminium profiles that involves a painting process based on heat-hardening of polyester powder applied after a pre-treatment cycle that is used primarily to protect the profiles and prepare for the paint.

The coating obtained is known as powder coating, which must be over 60 m thick.

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